Life Coaching with
Michael Shandler

At its essence, life coaching is a special relationship between two people, for the purpose of the coach supporting and guiding the life path of the client. Mutual respect, trust, and a good chemistry undergird the coaching relationship.

Guiding Principles and Beliefs


is often


Blame and justification keep things the same or make them worse

Self-limiting mental habits can be unlearned through mindfulness

Change begins with a shift in me

Full response-ability is the beginning of empowerment

It’s more powerful to move toward something rather than away from something

If these principles resonate, and you are considering a coaching relationship, contact Michael here.

Michael Shandler’s qualifications as a life coach

  • Over forty years coaching and counseling people in all walks of life.

  • International experience training and coaching leaders and their teams in win-win and collaboration.

  • Extensive personal family dynamic experience - married for over fifty years.

  • Formal training - masters in family therapy and doctorate in counseling.

  • Advanced training and practice in eastern modalities, including advanced training in yoga, breath work, and several meditation modalities.


  • I got to know Michael Shandler at Arthur D. Little in London, U.K., where we were colleagues. We have remained in contact since. Michael is highly experienced in creating high-performing teams, coaching managers and executives, etc. His work with The Vaccine Fund and the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) whilst I was there – providing organizational development and team building – made a big difference, and Michael certainly shares the credit for the great progress the team made over several years.

    John Marshall, Managing Director, JPMSquare, Geneva

  • Michael Shandler has been most helpful as a coach. In one conversation he helped me develop confidence in two significant ways: He provided me with strategic and practical advice for building the non-profit organization that I head. At the same time, he shared spiritual insights that give me strength and courage to be hopeful and joyful as I meet the unfolding challenges of the work.

    Late Rabbi Rachel Cowan, Former Executive Director, the Institute for Jewish Spirituality

  • Michael Shandler has been a valuable resource and guide for me, in both career and personal affairs, by helping me to see the issues at hand, to come to an inner knowing of the best choice of action, and to have the confidence to move forward with that choice.

    Joyce Duncan, M.D.

  • Over the years, when I have had complex and thorny issues with no clear resolution, speaking with Michael inevitably results in a new way of seeing, or framing, or holding those issues - and often a path out of the dilemma that didn't exist before. Michael brings many talents to bear, and I encourage anyone who thinks he or she might benefit from those talents to work with Michael.

    Alan Hurwitz

  • On many occasions, Dr. Shandler helped me rediscover my equanimity as I focused on difficult personnel challenges at all levels of my organization. His interventions have ranged from reminding me to ‘not do’ to strategic planning. He is supportive, intensely creative, and has a fine eye for an individual’s unique limitations and strengths.

    Jeffrey Kassis, MSW

  • For several years now, our sessions have provided an oasis of sanity and psychic safety for me. You’ve helped me untangle and clarify issues that I held in confusion, and you’ve encouraged me and had faith in my ability to get through difficult patches. You’ve helped me emerge with a wider understanding of my world.

    Andrew Jordan, M.Sc.

Life Coaching with Michael Shandler begins with commitment to a Phase One –  four to six sessions – to build a foundation.