Life Coaching with
Michael Shandler
At its essence, life coaching is a special relationship between two people, for the purpose of the coach supporting and guiding the life path of the client. Mutual respect, trust, and a good chemistry undergird the coaching relationship.
Guiding Principles and Beliefs
is often
Blame and justification keep things the same or make them worse
Self-limiting mental habits can be unlearned through mindfulness
Change begins with a shift in me
Full response-ability is the beginning of empowerment
It’s more powerful to move toward something rather than away from something
If these principles resonate, and you are considering a coaching relationship, contact Michael here.
Michael Shandler’s qualifications as a life coach
Over forty years coaching and counseling people in all walks of life.
International experience training and coaching leaders and their teams in win-win and collaboration.
Extensive personal family dynamic experience - married for over fifty years.
Formal training - masters in family therapy and doctorate in counseling.
Advanced training and practice in eastern modalities, including advanced training in yoga, breath work, and several meditation modalities.